Announcing . . .

How is this gathering different?

This event is more than just a conference, it’s an activation and celebration into the remembrance of our role in God’s Divine Plan. It’s a multi-dimensional experience that features some of the finest musicians and performers in the world, holding space and supporting the attendees throughout the event. The format allows us to immerse ourselves into celebration, worship, and oneness. This event is introducing a brand new topic and is presenting a brand new way of experiencing such gatherings. In this sacred container, we are activating the blueprint of a new spiritual network that will henceforth keep us connected and supported as we journey through life and into our ascension.

Who and What Is a Lightworker?

The answer is fairly simple—yet profound. God is Light! And we, being made in God’s Image, are also Light. And any of us who choose to work on remembering and developing our Light are, by definition, Lightworkers. This definition also makes it clear that being a Lightworker is also a choice. Being Light is not a choice, as it’s what we were created to be. But having the dedication to develop this experience is a choice. So a Lightworker is anyone who chooses to take their spiritual presence to the next level by being of service and making a difference for themselves and others in this world. And the beautiful thing is that all beings will one day make this choice; “free will” merely allows us to choose when.


ONE: You feel a call to return to direct connection with God/Spirit, as well as the teachings of Christ Consciousness, Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, and the Ascended Masters.

TWO: You develop a growing interest in topics such as the early Christians, Ascended Masters, Sacred Geometry, the Arthurian Knights, Lemuria, the Knights Templar, Ashtar, the Cathars, and/or the most spiritual Star Systems (Polaris, Arcturus, Sirius, etc.).

THREE: You notice old thought systems and judgmental opinions falling away.

FOUR: You begin to experience more and more unconditional love in your life. This means having fewer buttons to be pushed and a greater sense of peace even if/when your remaining buttons do get pushed.

FIVE: You no longer feel like you're bound to any particular race, religion, culture, etc. Physical and personal limitations, such as race, gender, genetics, family patterns no longer seem to be apply.

SIX: You feel a calling towards a better life and perhaps are looking for your “tribe” (or spiritual family)—which means looking for people who are more spiritual, loving, and playful than those you’ve known in the past. These would be the types of people that encourage you to be happy, write poems, discover your soul’s purpose, share your dreams, encourage you to grow, and want to know the deeper meaning and connection of all things in life.

SEVEN: You realized that you are not only different from most people on earth, but you are also different from most people on the spiritual path in that you are perhaps not as “casual” about your path. Instead, you are active, aware that you are here not merely to “act spiritual” but rather to BE spiritual, and to make a difference by being a great example to others and by being of service to others.

SUMMARY: There is a common theme in all seven characteristics. There is an excitement to go higher, towards God/Spirit and a desire to find others on the same wavelength. But Lightworkers are also clear that they are not on earth merely to “get on the spiritual path,” as much as they are being called to assist in the awakening of humanity by finding their inner Light and assisting others to find theirs.


There are currently hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers on planet earth—many with websites and facebook pages. In regards to our own website, it serves as a hub and place of networking for all Lightworkers throughout the Universe. Our website features articles, ads, products, videos, and more, that you, as a fellow Lightwoker, are welcome to submit. Everyone is welcome to request admission into our facebook group. And feel free to pass the word about the webpage, as well as our Facebook page or group.