We, the team for the Universal Lightworkers, are here to serve all Lightworkers throughout all dimensions in the Universe. This website and our facebook group serve as a spiritual community for all Lightworkers to gather, learn, and network with one another.
Are you a Lightworker? If so, you are welcome anytime to share your related articles, videos, and products. Information about angels, ascended masters, channeling, Christ consciousness, crystals or anything that inspires us to live a better lighter life.
History of the Term “Lightworker”
The concept of Lightworkers is as old as creation itself—ever since there was a single being who ever thought about remembering their true identity and helping others to do the same. But technically, as far as it is known, the term was first used by author/teacher Michael Mirdad, in his newsletters (called “The Lightbearer”) back in the early 1980’s. Then, Patricia Cota-Robles used the term Lightworker in a book published in 1989 called, "The Next Step," followed by the release of a book by Doreen Virtue in 1997 called, “The Lightworkers Way.”
The distinct difference between Lightworkers and all other people on the spiritual path is that people on the spiritual path might be very casual about their personal work or their spiritual development. In fact, most people around them might not even be aware that the person is even on the spiritual path. But Lightworkers are not casual at all about their spiritual work. Instead, they have a strong dedication to their awakening, and feel a calling to make a difference in the lives of others. It’s not that a Lightworker is pushy about their spiritual path, but they are keenly aware that they want to “make a difference.” Also, Lightworkers prefer hanging around other people with a similar dedication. A person on the spiritual path might enjoy their studies and practices, but a Lightworker is fully aware that there is a purpose to these studies AND that this greater purpose involves being part of a Divine Plan for the awakening of humanity.
Yes, we are all created from the Light of God, but not all of us access that Light and use it to illuminate the world around us. Those of us who do shine our Light as part of our soul’s purpose, are Lightworkers. And we are not alone. We are part of the Divine Hierarchy of Light that emanates from God Itself and shines onto the earth, passing through all other dimensions—wherein we find other Lightworkers doing a similar service to humanity relative to their dimension. These include the Christ, Mother Mary, Angels, Ascended Masters, Intergalactic Lightbeings from other star systems such as Sirius, Arcturus, and Andromeda, the great brotherhood-sisterhood of Light, and of course all of the Lightworkers on earth.
There are currently hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers on planet earth—many with websites and facebook pages. In regards to this website, it serves as a spiritual community and place of networking for all Lightworkers throughout the Universe. Everyone is welcome to request admission into our facebook group. And feel free to pass the word about the UniversalLightworkers.com webpage, as well as our Facebook page and private Facebook group.
And please keep in mind that our website and facebook page are for loving and spiritual material, which means we do not welcome anything that is hateful, fear-based (including conspiracies), nor political.